

IOP First Gen Low Income Student Reception

(Current UChicago Students Only)

Saturday, May 21st



All first-generation, low-income (FGLI) students are invited to join the IOP staff and student leaders for the inaugural FGLI Student Reception. Attendees will hear from staff about the many opportunities available at the IOP and will have the opportunity to contribute their voices on how the IOP can better incorporate FGLI voices and perspectives in its programming and outreach. In attendance will be staff, members of the Student Advisory Board, leaders of the various IOP Civic Engagement groups, and house interns. Lunch will be provided.


This convening is open to current UChicago students who are compliant with UChicago vaccination requirements and, because of ongoing health risks, particularly to the unvaccinated, participants are expected to adopt the risk mitigation measures (masking and social distancing, etc.) appropriate to their vaccination status as advised by public health officials or to their individual vulnerabilities as advised by a medical professional. Public convening may not be safe for all and carries a risk for contracting COVID-19, particularly for those unvaccinated. Participants will not know the vaccination status of others and should follow appropriate risk mitigation measures.


If you have any questions about accessibility please contact Layne Friedman (