
IOP Internship 101 Info Session


Each summer, the IOP offers more than 150 domestic and international internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students. Students receive a $5,000 stipend to work full-time during the summer. From legislative offices to think tanks to news agencies, students have the chance to pursue internships in a variety of organizations in politics and public service. 



Join the IOP's Career Development team for an info session about the 2021 IOP Summer Internship Program on Wednesday, January 13 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. CST. If you are unable to join us for the live session, this event will be recorded and available for you to watch on the IOP's channels.



Please regiser for this event with your UChicago email address. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact Johnny Acevedo.



This event is open only to current UChicago students. You will receive information on how to access the webinar 60 minutes before the program begins.